
この台風は明らかにサタンとしか言いようがないな 199 名無しSUN 20220829月 04380852 IDpPWuhyQG 気象庁の3時のやつ南偏してる. 4 hours ago台風11号は29日午前3時現在小笠原諸島の東の海上に位置しています この後…

Erdő Péter

Erdő Péter esztergom-budapesti érsek Magyarország prímása hatgyermekes értelmiségi családban 1952. 25 iunie 1952 Budapesta este d…


Sweden vs Finland SF - 2022 IIHF World Junior Championship. It is based on a formula giving points for each teams placings at IIH…

Robyn Griggs

She battled endocervical adeno cancer prior to her death. The actress passing was announced on her Facebook page Saturday. …